CA Foundation Paper-4 Weightage Sept 2024 Exams

Download revised Section-wise chapter wise weightage of marks for ICAI CA Foundation 2024 Exams Paper-4 Business Economics.


CA Foundation Business Economics weightage September 2024: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued updated and revised Section-wise Weightage for CA Foundation Paper-4 Business Economics applicable for September 2024 and subsequent exams till further changes are made.

CA Institute revised the weightage of marks for the examinations to be held in the year 2024. CA Foundation students may download in PDF chapter wise marks allocation. This facility would help you to plan your studies in a structured manner for the coming ICAI 2024 examinations.

Weightage of marks for Business Economics paper is here. Fourth paper of CA Foundation course is Business Economics (100 Marks). Download section-wise and chapter-wise allocation of marks for Business Economics paper.

The CA Institute has published new section wise and skill wise weightages of marks for CA Foundation September 2024 examinations. The Board of Studies (BoS) of ICAI has assigned weightage of marks to various sections of Paper 4: Business Economics.

The question paper would take into consideration the weightage range assigned to different sections.

CA Foundation Paper-4 Section wise Weightage

Section No.Weightage
Section wise weightage for September 2024 Exams

CA Foundation Paper-4 Chapter wise Weightage

Chapter NameWeightage
Chapter 1: Nature & Scope of Business Economics5 Marks
Chapter 2: Theory of Demand and Supply10 Marks
Chapter 3: Theory of Production and Cost10 Marks
Chapter 4: Price Determination in Different Markets15 Marks
Chapter 5: Business Cycles5 Marks
Chapter 6: Determination of National Income15 Marks
Chapter 7: Public Finance10 Marks
Chapter 8: Money Market10 Marks
Chapter 9: International Trade10 Marks
Chapter 10: Indian Economy10 Marks

CA Foundation Weightage of Marks for Business Economics

Section-I (Weightage 5%) i.e. 5 Marks

Introduction to Business Economics: Meaning and scope of Business Economics Basic Problems of an Economy and Role of Price Mechanism.

Section-II (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

Theory of Demand and Supply: Meaning and Determinants of Demand, Law of Demand and Elasticity of Demand – Price, Income and Cross Elasticity Theory of Consumer’s Behaviour –Indifference Curve approach Meaning and Determinants of Supply, Law of Supply and Elasticity of Supply, Market Equilibrium and Social Efficiency.

Section-III (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

Theory of Production and Cost: Meaning and Factors of Production, Short Run and Long Run Law of Production – The Law of Variable Proportions and Laws of Returns to Scale, Producer’s Equilibrium Concepts of Costs – Short-run and long-run costs, Average and Marginal Costs, Total, Fixed and Variable Costs.

Section-IV (Weightage 15%) i.e. 15 Marks

Price Determination in Different Markets: Market Structures: Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition. Using Game Theory to study Oligopoly. Price Determination in these Markets Price- Output Determination under different Market Forms.

Section-V (Weightage 15%) i.e. 15 Marks

Determination of National Income:

  • Macro Economic Aggregates and Measurement of National Income
  • Determination of National Income: Keynes’ Two Sector Basic Model, Three Sectors and Four Sectors Models

Section-VI (Weightage 5%) i.e. 5 Marks

Business Cycles:

  • Meaning
  • Phases
  • Features
  • Causes behind these Cycles

Section-VII (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

Public Finance:

  • Fiscal functions: An Overview, Centre and State Finance
  • Market Failure/ Government intervention to correct market failure
  • Process of budget making: Sources of Revenue, Expenditure Management, and Management of Public Debt.
  • Fiscal Policy

Section-VIII (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

Money Market

  • Concept of Money Demand
  • Important theories of Demand for Money
  • Concept of Money Supply, Cryptocurrency and other new terminology
  • Monetary Policy

Section-IX (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

International Trade

  • Theories of International Trade including theories of intra-industry trade by Krugman.
  • Trade Policy – The Instruments of Trade Policy
  • Trade Negotiations
  • Exchange Rates and its economic effects
  • International Capital Movements: Foreign Direct Investment

Section-X (Weightage 10%) i.e. 10 Marks

Indian Economy (Before 1950-Chanakya and Nand Vansh, OECD Paper (1950-1991), Basic knowledge 1991 Onwards.

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