CA Intermediate Study Material Applicable for May 2024 Exams

Download CA Intermediate Study Material applicable for May 2024 exams in PDF prepared by ICAI. CA Inter study material in Hindi.


ICAI has released CA Intermediate Study Material applicable for May 2024 examinations. Board of Studies (BOS) of CA Institute provides multitude of academic resources of fairly high quality and dependable sources of study material.

Study Material covers the entire syllabus of CA Intermediate course. The BOS of ICAI has always been providing a comprehensive Study Material and Practice Manual along with PowerPoint Presentations and Podcasts. CDs have also been developed and made available along with the study materials.

In this article you will find the download links of CA Intermediate Study Material for May 2024 exams. You may download CA Intermediate study material July 2023 Edition in PDF format.

Applicable BoS Publication for May, 2024 Examination

SubjectsNew Edition
Month and Year
Paper-1: Advanced Accounting
(Module 1, Module 2, Module 3
April, 2023
Paper-2: Corporate and Other Laws
(Module 1, Module 2, Module 3)
Relevant Amendments for May 2024 Examination
April, 2023
Paper-3: Taxation
Section A – Income-tax Law
(Module 1 and Module 2)
To be read along with Statutory Update for May
2024 Examination alongwith RTP for Paper 3A for
May 2024 Examination
June, 2023
Paper-3: Taxation
Section B – Goods and Services Tax
(Module 1 and Module 2)
To be read along with Statutory Update for May
2024 Examination alongwith RTP for Paper 3B for
May 2024 exams
June, 2023
Paper-4: Cost and Management Accounting
(Module 1 and Module 2)
April, 2023
Paper-5: Auditing and Ethics
(Module 1 and Module 2)
April, 2023
Paper-6A: Financial Management
(Module 1 and Module 2)
April, 2023
Paper-6B: Strategic Management alongwith RTP for
Paper 6B for May 2024 exams
April, 2023

Study material of Tax Law as amended by the Finance Act 2023. Assessment Year (AY) 2024-25 shall be applicable for CA Intermediate May 2024 and Nov 2024 examinations.

CA Intermediate Study Material for May 2024 Exams

Download the newly revised study material officially released by ICAI. These study materials are updated and amended for CA Intermediate May 2024 examinations.

Group-I SubjectsStudy Materials
Advanced AccountingPaper-1
Corporate and Other LawsPaper-2

Section 3A – Income-tax Law
Section 3B – Indirect Taxes
CA Inter Group-I Study Material for May 2024 Exams
Group-II SubjectsStudy Materials
Cost and Management AccountingPaper-4
Auditing and EthicsPaper-5
Financial Management
Strategic Management
CA Inter Group-II Study Material for May 2024 Exams

Study material of Taxation Law as amended by the Finance Act 2023. Assessment Year (AY) 2024-25 related to Previous Year (PY) 2023-2024 shall be applicable for CA Intermediate May 2024 examinations.

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