RCIL Recruitment 2023: Submit application form online

RCIL Recruitment 2022 for Finance Director. Required qualification CA/CMA/MBA, Age limit, job experience, online application form last date, Pay scale.


RailTel Corporation of India Ltd (RCIL) Recruitment 2022 for Director(Finance): Required qualification, Age limit, job experience, submission of online application form, High Pay Scale.

Official notification has been released for recruitment in RCIL. If you want to become Director (Finance) in the company you may apply online. To apply for the job, please make sure that you are eligible and submit online application form on or before the last date.

Railtel Corporation of India Ltd. has been established in the month of September in the year 2000. The company is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) with the administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Railways.

The company employed 452 regular employees (Executives 441, Non-executives 11) as on 31-March-2021. Registered and Corporate Offices of RCIL are at New Delhi.

The authorized capital of RCIL is ₹1000 crores and the issued, subscribed and paid up capital is ₹320.94 crores as on 31.03.2021. The shareholding of the Government of India (GOI) in the company is 72.84% as on March 31, 2021.

RCIL Recruitment for Finance Director

The Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) has issued a recruitment notice for the position of Director in Finance at RailTel Corporation of India Limited.

Eligible candidates may apply for the post on or before last date i.e. 2nd March, 2022. More details are given in the table below:

Company NameRailTel Corporation of India Ltd (RCIL)
Job Vacancy available for the PostDirector (Finance)
Educational QualificationChartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or MBA/PGDM
Job Salary₹180000-340000
Date of Vacancy01.10.2021
Application form last date02.03.2022
Mode of applicationOnline only
Appointment duration5 Years
Required experience/exposure5 Years
RCIL Recruitment for Finance Director

Download official notification (No. : 7/32/2021-PESB) of RCIL Recruitment 2022.

Job Description

Director (Finance) is a member of Board of Directors (BOD) and reports to the Chairman and Managing Director (MD). He/She is the overall in-charge of Finance and Accounts functions of the organization.

He/She is responsible for evolving and formulating related policies and their implementation including Financial Planning, budgeting, costing, financial control, preparation of financial statements in compliance with corporate norms and statutory requirements.

Educational Qualification

The interested candidate should be a:

  • Chartered Accountant; or
  • Cost Accountant; or
  • full time MBA/PGDM course having specialization in finance with good academic record from a recognized University/Institution.

Note that preference would be given to Chartered Accountant.

Exemption form Educational Qualification: Officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Services working in the appropriate level are exempted from these educational qualifications.

Organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Services:

  • Indian Audit and Accounts Service;
  • Indian Defence Accounts Service;
  • Indian Railway Accounts Service;
  • Indian Civil Accounts Service;
  • Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Service; and
  • Indian Cost Accounts Service.

Further, applicants from the Central Govt./Armed Forces of the Union/All India Services, will also be exempted from the educational qualifications (CA/CMA/ MBA/PGDM) provided the applicants have ‘the relevant experience’.

The relevant experience in respect of applicants from Central Government/Armed Forces of the Union/All India Services would include at least 7 years of cumulative experience at a senior level during the last 10 years in the area of Corporate Financial Management/Accounts.

Applicant Age Limit

According to the PESB notification dated 22.12.2021, the minimum age of the applicant should be 45 years. The age of superannuation for this recruitment is 60 years.

On the date of occurrence of vacancy (DOV) i.e. 1st October, 2021.

Age of superannuation 60 years:

  • Internal:
    • Minimum: 45
    • Maximum: 2 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation.
  • Others:
    • Minimum: 45
    • Maximum: 3 years residual service as on the date of vacancy w.r.t. the date of superannuation.

Job Experience

The applicant should have at least 5 years of cumulative experience at a senior level during the 10 years in the area of Corporate Financial Management and Accounts in an organization of repute.

Job Salary

As per the official recruitment notification of PESB, the selected candidates will get the salary of ₹180000 to ₹340000 as per norms.

Appointment Duration

The appointment shall be for a period of:

  • 5 years from joining date; or
  • upto the date of superannuation; or
  • until further orders,

whichever is earlier.

Submission of Job Application Form

All applicants should send their applications on-line only as per the format.

  • The applicants should submit their applications through proper channel as follows:
    1. Govt Officers, including those of the Armed Forces of the Union and All India Services through Cadre Controlling authority;
    2. CMDs/MDs/ Functional Directors in CPSE through the concerned Administrative Ministry;
    3. Below Board level in CPSE through the concerned CPSE;
    4. CMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in State PSE through the concerned Administrative Secretary and Cadre Controlling Authority, if any, of the State Govt;
    5. Below Board level in SPSE through the concerned SPSE
    6. Private Sector directly to the PESB.

Applicants from Private Sector must submit the following documents along with the application form:

  • Annual Reports of the Company in which currently working for the 3 financial years preceding the calendar year in which the post is advertised (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies);
  • Whether the company is listed or not; if yes, the documentary proof (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies);
  • Evidence of working at Board level or at least a post of the level immediately below the Board level;
  • Self-attested copies of documents in support of age and qualifications;
  • Relevant Jobs handled in the past with details.

How to Apply in RCIL

The applicants can either:

  1. fill up the Application Form online only against this Job Description on the official website www.pesb.gov.in and thereafter forward it online; or
  2. fill up the Application Form online only against this Job Description on the official website of PESB (http://pesb.gov.in/), take a printout and send it offline.

You have to send the print out of submitted form to the following address mentioned below.

Applications are to be addressed to: –

Smt Kimbuong Kipgen
Public Enterprises Selection Board, Public Enterprises Bhawan,
BlockNo. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

NOTE: Last time and date of receipt of complete application duly forwarded to PESB is by 15.00 hours on 2nd March, 2022. No application shall be entertained under any circumstances after the stipulated time/date.

Incomplete applications and applications received after the stipulated time/date shall be REJECTED. Board reserves the right to shortlist applicants for interview.

How much amount of salary will be paid for the Post?

If you are selected for the post of Director (Finance) then you will receive salary under pay scale of ₹1,80,000 to ₹3,40,000 as per norms.

What is the necessary educational qualification to apply for the Job?

The applicant should be a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant. However, if you have completed your full time MBA/PGDM course then you may also apply for the job. Preference would be given to Chartered Accountant.

What is the last date to apply for Recruitment?

The last date to apply for RCIL (RailTel Corporation of India Ltd) Recruitment 2022 for the post of Director (Finance) is 2nd March, 2022.

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