HS Code 2023 for live animals

Revised HTS or HS Code for Live animals for use in classification of Imported merchandise for rate of Duty and statistical purposes in the year 2022.


Revised HS/HTS Code 2023: Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code of the United States. Revised HTS or HS Code for Live animals for use in classification of Imported merchandise for rate of Duty and statistical purposes in the year 2022.

Chapter-1 Harmonized System Code


This chapter covers all live animals except:

(a) Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, of heading 0301, 0306, 0307 or 0308;
(b) Cultures of microorganisms and other products of heading 3002; and
(c) Animals of heading 9508.

HS Code or HTS/HSNDescription of Goods
0101Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies.
0102Live bovine animals.
0103Live swine.
0104Live sheep and goats.
0105Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls.
0106Other live animals.

Heading 0101 Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies.

  1. Horses:
    • 0101.21.00 Purebred breeding animals
      • 0101.21.0010 Male
      • 0101.21.0020 Female
    • 0101.29.00 Other
      • 0101.29.0010 Imported for immediate slaughter
      • 0101.29.0090 Other
  2. 0101.30.0000 Asses
  3. 0101.90 Other:
    • 0101.90.3000 Imported for immediate slaughter
    • 0101.90.4000 Other

Heading 0102 Live bovine animals

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Live bovine animals.

Live bovine animals: Cattle

  1. 0102.21.00 Purebred breeding animals
    • Dairy:
      • 0102.21.0010 Male
      • 0102.21.0020 Female
    • Other:
      • 0102.21.0030 Male
      • 0102.21.0050 Female
  2. 0102.29 Other
    • 0102.29.20 Cows imported specially for dairy purposes
      • 0102.29.2011 Weighing less than 90 kg each
      • 0102.29.2012 Weighing 90 kg or more each
    • 0102.29.40 Other
      • Weighing less than 90 kg each
        • 0102.29.4024 Male
        • 0102.29.4028 Female
      • Weighing 90 kg or more but less than 200 kg each
        • 0102.29.4034 Male
        • 0102.29.4038 Female
      • Weighing 200 kg or more but less than 320 kg each
        • 0102.29.4054 Male
        • 0102.29.4058 Female
      • Weighing 320 kg or more each for immediate slaughter:
        • 0102.29.4062 Steers
        • 0102.29.4064 Bulls
        • 0102.29.4066 Cows
        • 0102.29.4068 Heifers
      • Weighing 320 kg or more each for breeding
        • 0102.29.4072 Male
        • 0102.29.4074 Female
      • Weighing 320 kg or more each for other
        • 0102.29.4082 Male
        • 0102.29.4084 Female

Live bovine animals: Buffalo

  1. 0102.31.00 Purebred breeding animals
    • 0102.31.0010 Male
    • 0102.31.0020 Female
  2. 0102.39.00 Other
    • 0102.39.0010 Bison
    • Other:
      • Weighing less than 90 kg each
        • 0102.39.0024 Male
        • 0102.39.0028 Female
      • Weighing 90 kg or more but less than 200 kg each
        • 0102.39.0034 Male
        • 0102.39.0038 Female
      • Weighing 200 kg or more but less than 320 kg each
        • 0102.39.0054 Male
        • 0102.39.0058 Female
      • Weighing 320 kg or more each
        • 0102.39.0061 For immediate slaughter
        • For breeding
          • 0102.39.0072 Male
          • 0102.39.0074 Female
        • Other
          • 0102.39.0082 Male
          • 0102.39.0082 Female

Live bovine animals: Other

0102.90.0000 Other

Heading 0103 Live swine

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Live swine.

  1. 0103.10.000 Purebred breeding animals
  2. Other
    • 0103.91.00 Weighing less than 50 kg each
      • 0103.91.0010 Weighing less than 7 kg each
      • 0103.91.0020 Weighing 7 kg or more but less than 23 kg each
      • 0103.91.0030 Weighing 23 kg or more but less than 50 kg each
    • 0103.92.00 Weighing 50 kg or more each
      • 0103.92.0010 Imported for immediate slaughter
      • 0103.92.0020 Breeding animals other than purebred breeding animals
      • 0103.92.0091 Other

Heading 0104 Live sheep and goats

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Live sheep and goats.

HS Code or HTSDescription of Goods

Heading 0105 Live poultry

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls.

HTS or HS CodeDescription of Goods
0105.15.00Guinea fowls

Heading 0106 Other live animals

HS code or Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code for Other live animals.

HTS or HS CodeDescription of Goods
0106.12.01Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order
Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the
order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals
of the suborder Pinnipedia)
0106.13.00Camels and other camelids (Camelidae)
0106.14.00Rabbits and hares
0106.20.00Reptiles (including snakes and turtles)
0106.31.00Birds of prey
0106.32.00Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws
and cockatoos)
0106.33.00Ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
0106.41.00Bees (Insects)
0106.49.0010Leaf cutter bee larvae
0106.90.0120Bait (other than worms)

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