Section 112 Representation of President and Governors in meetings – Companies Act 2013

Amended and updated notes on section 112 of Companies Act 2013. Provisions and rules related to representation of President and Governors in meetings.


Amended and updated notes on section 112 of Companies Act 2013. Detail discussion on provisions and rules related to representation of President and Governors in meetings.

Chapter VII (Sections 88122) of the Companies Act, 2013 (CA 2013) deals with the provisions related to management and administration. Section 112 of CA 2013 provides for representation of President and Governors in meetings.

Recently, we have discussed in detail section 111 (Circulation of members’ resolution) of CA 2013. Today, we learn the provisions of section 112 of Companies Act 2013 read with the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014.

Section 112 of the Companies Act, 2013 has been notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide Notification No. S.O. 2754(E) issued dated 12.09.2013. This notification shall come into force from 12th September, 2013 i.e. the commencement date of section 112 is 12-09-2013.

Name of ActThe Companies Act 2013
Enacted byParliament of India
Administered byMinistry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
Number of Chapters29
Number of Sections484 (470-43+57)
Number of Schedules7
You are reading:
Chapter No.VII
Chapter NameManagement and Administration
Section No.112
Section NameRepresentation of President and Governors in meetings
Monthly Updated EditionCompany Law PDF

Section 112 of Companies Act 2013: Representation of President and Governors in meetings

Section 112 shall come into force on 12th September, 2013 vide Notification No. S.O. 2754(E) dated 12.09.2013.

(1) The President of India or the Governor of a State, if he is a member of a company, may appoint such person as he thinks fit to act as his representative at any meeting of the company or at any meeting of any class of members of the company.

(2) A person appointed to act under sub-section (1) shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be a member of such a company and shall be entitled to exercise the same rights and powers, including the right to vote by proxy and postal ballot, as the President or, as the case may be, the Governor could exercise as a member of the company.

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