You may check CA Intermediate topper May-June 2019 marksheet. ICAI declares result of Intermediate level examination conducted in the month of May and June 2019. CA IPCC/ Intermediate results declare on 23rd August 2019 at 5:00 P.M. under old syllabus and new course.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) announced the result of Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination held in May 2019. In this article you will find the detail analysis of result of CA Intermediate (IPC) (Old) May 2019 Examination and CA Intermediate (New) May 2019 Examination.
In this article, you will find the download link for CA IPCC/ Intermediate merit list May 2019. Additionally, you will see the number of candidates registered, appeared, passed and CA Intermediate/ IPCC pass percentage May 2019.
After passing Intermediate level, the registration is open for the next level of Chartered Accountancy Course. Register for CA Final Course for appearing in the coming CA Final exams.
Hereunder you will find, the statement of marks containing Roll No., name, Paper No., subject, maximum marks, minimum marks, marks obtained and result status. Other details like Rank holders Name, Roll number, city, phone number, registration number and marks obtained in individual subjects.
CA IPCC Toppers May 2019 | CA Intermediate Toppers May 2019
All India first rank holder under new syllabus i.e. CA Intermediate is Akshat Goyal from Jaipur. There are two candidates who secured same marks and got first rank in CA IPCC May 2019. CA IPCC May 2019 first rank holders are Abhinav Prakash Mishra from Kolkata and Shripal Prakash Doshi from Mumbai.
The name of CA Intermediate May 2019 toppers is Akshat Goyal, Meet Anil Shah and Anjali Goyal. Whereas, CA Intermediate (IPC) topper are Abhinav Prakash Mishra, Shripal Prakash Doshi, Jyoti Agrawal, Darshan S. and G.Raghavendra Prasath.
CA IPCC Rank Holders May 2019:

AIR-1: CA Intermediate (IPC) All India Rank (AIR) first is Abhinav Prakash Mishra from city Kolkata (West Bengal). You may contact him at 7044360087. Shripal Prakash Doshi from Mumbai city (Maharashtra) is also got first position in IPCC level exam. His phone number is 9029643588.

AIR-2: CA IPCC all India second rank holder is Jyoti Agrawal from Rourkela city in Odisha. Her mobile number is 7008936618.

AIR-3: Darshan S. from city Chennai (Tamil Nadu). He secured third place in CA IPCC level exam. His mobile number is 8124375565. Another candidate G.Raghavendra Prasath from New Delhi is also third rank holder in CA Intermediate (IPC) May-June 2019 exams. You may contact him at 9971997676.
CA Intermediate Rank Holders May 2019:

AIR-1: Akshat Goyal is All India Rank (AIR) first in CA Intermediate May 2019 examination. He is from city Jaipur in Rajasthan. His phone number is 9461900025.

AIR-2: Meet Anil Shah got all India second rank in CA Inter level exams held in May-June 2019. H is from Mumbai city in Maharashtra. His mobile number is 8767077850.

AIR-3: CA Intermediate third rank holder name is Anjali Goyal. From city Panipat in Haryana. You may contact her at 9671718207.
Marksheet of CA Intermediate First Rank Holder in May 2019
Following statement of marksheet is showing marks obtained in Individual subjects by all India Topper in CA Intermediate May 2019 examination.
Name | Akshat Goyal |
City | Jaipur |
Roll No. | 533420 |
Registration No. | CRO0622827 |
Phone No. | 9461900025 |
Accounting | 83 |
Corporate and Other Laws | 84 |
Cost and Management Accounting | 99 |
Taxation | 98 |
Group-1 Total | 364 |
Advanced Accounting | 97 |
Auditing and Assurance | 93 |
Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management | 84 |
Financial Management & Economics for Finance | 97 |
Group-2 Total | 371 |
Grand Total | 735 |
Full Marks | 800 |
Percentage | 91.875% |
Here is the screenshot of Akshat Goyal) AIR-1 Marksheet:

CA IPCC Pass Percentage May-June 2019
Total 122788 students admitted in CA IPCC May-June 2019 exams. This term CA IPCC/ Intermediate May 2019 exams were conducted in 479 exam centres across the globe.
Appeared in Groups | Candidates Appeared | Candidates Passed | Pass Percentage |
Group-I | 45857 | 6716 | 14.65% |
Group-II | 73091 | 15932 | 21.80% |
Both Groups | 17061 | 324 | 1.90% |
No. of Students admitted in CA Intermediate (IPC) May 2019 Exam is 122788. Total 101887 (45857+73091-17061) candidates appeared in CA IPCC level of Chartered Accountancy examination. That means 10901 (122788-101887) candidates were fill up the form but not appeared in CA IPCC May 2019 examinations.
Out of 101887 appeared students, only 11486 [(6716+15932-324)/2 + 324] candidates were passed expected both groups. Therefore, overall pass percentage is 11.27%.
In other words, total 101302 (101887-11486+10901) students were unlucky and they have to clear either CA IPCC (Nov 2019/ May 2020) or CA Intermediate upcoming examinations.
CA Intermediate Pass Percentage May-June 2019
No. of Students admitted in CA Intermediate May 2019 Exam were 72,727. This term CA Inter exams were conducted in 479 exam centres in India.
Appeared in Groups | Candidates Appeared | Candidates Passed | Pass Percentage |
Group-I | 51755 | 9153 | 17.69% |
Group-II | 41350 | 13109 | 31.70% |
Both Groups | 25794 | 4413 | 17.11% |
No. of Students admitted in CA Intermediate May-June 2019 Exam is 72727. Total 67311 candidates were appeared in CA Inter level exams conducted by ICAI. That means 5416 (72727-67311) candidates were fill up the form but not appeared in CA Intermediate May 2019 examinations.
Out of those 67311 appeared students only 13338 (expected) students were passed both groups. That means, the overall pass percentage is 19.82%. If you are not satisfied with your marks, you may apply for revaluation or get certified copy of Marksheet.
That means 59389 (67311-13338+5416) students were admitted but not cleared CA Intermediate May 2019 exams. Therefore, 160k+ students are those candidates who will clear their CA Inter level exams in second or more attempts.